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休想吧 /Over Trump's dead body

作家相片: Ms. CHOWMs. CHOW


Trump Trump 的反應和表現已悸動全世人。天佑Donald和美國!🙏🏻

Tough Trump’s reaction and performance have impressed & touched the entire world. God bless Donald and America!🙏🏻

美國人要好好珍惜你們獨有的文化和精神, Trump Trump是眾多離港的香港人精神上的老友記, 雖然我並不是他的粉絲, 但那一幕負傷仍不忘自我激勵及勉勵同行民眾, 很感動! 深信『他很愛國』。✊🏻

Americans ought to cherish your unique culture and spirit. Trump is the spiritual old friend of many Hongkongers who have left Hong Kong. Although I ain't his fans, that scene of injured Trump still keep going to motivate himself and encourage fellows / fans, Sigh!!! speechless with highly respect! I deeply believe in "Trump loves USA".✊🏻

由致命的一鎗, 變為輕傷, 『背後主事人』你切底輸了! From a fatal shot to a minor injury, Oops! you have totally lost!😝

今次行刺失敗, 令人聯想到Reagan前美國總統, 記得他的政績嗎?! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻The failed assassination of Trump letting me to associate with that history of President Reagan. Did you remember his political achievements?!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

莫論誰當總統, 美國是離港香港人的『永遠好朋友』, 不會忘記。Blessning & Keep frighting!💖💪🏻No matter who becomes president, amercians and Hongkongers, who have left Hong Kong, will be forever best friend. Blessing USA and Keep fighting for the universal!💖💪🏻

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