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作家相片Ms. CHOW

在英現況 / Part of my current live in UK


在英國, 因工作關係和從小養成的早睡習慣, 現在起得更早和睡得更少。5尺7吋身高, 110磅數, 會否太瘦了? 但胃口卻比在港時好好多, 入得多自然出得多, 腸胃是差了! 因此, 皮膚也差了, 人也蒼老得奇快。維有再度努力保養, 但仍然改不掉老習慣: 努力賺錢, 儲錢和洗錢。真是太「過癮」! 可惜, 現在只是一名低級打工仔, 賺取最低工資多點點, 諷刺是高層欣賞你表現, 來電要求加你鐘數, 我只是表明待明早回覆, 就玩了一天捉迷藏, 最後至放工時段才能獲批2分鐘說話時限, 又因本人不識抬舉, 多詢問加時薪和減少勞動。就因此, 從她一堆急口令式英文中, 我又被玩了! 不知是個人管理特色(亞洲人), 還是西班牙公司文化? 總之, 過去10月讓我學習和見識不少「打工仔生存之道」, 也讓我在勞動中結識了各行業一些低級打工仔朋友, 他們大多英語能力都不好, 但就因共鳴, 雖互不知背景, 卻建立友誼, 感謝幫忙勞動和食物節扣。開心😂

也因此, 頗欣賞自己過去營運一檔生意心態和風格。小小年紀30不到, 單人匹馬只有20多萬資金, 不靠美色不靠擦鞋, 沒有背景不被看偏; 就是一份小小偏執、點點勇氣及柔柔的善意, 喜歡『錢』和自主, 伴隨從心的創意革新, 強勢要求自我貫徹執行, 並秉承3大原則: 高薪、身教和善聽尊重。就那麼兒戲地贏得豐厚金錢、口牌以及人心, 一直營運至親手了斷, 跑來英國, 只爲確保臨終前仍可亂走亂嗡, 呼吸自由空氣。成世人最怕被管束, 因天生已是自律狂! 不幸的是, 現在每天返工事無大小, 處處受監控。幸好, EQ高和心善的我, 仍能頂得住, 仍喜歡她們和此行業--夠靚。感謝自己從小認同: 身勤則富, 少欲不貧。故仍可過著自由自在的生活方式。🤩

在英, 所有困難助我變得完美(除青春外), 我已準備好『去愛』。只要找到您在哪便可!!! 您會是誰? 哈哈😍

In the UK, my habit of going to bed early as a child is unchange, even sleep less and get up earlier than in HK because of work. I am 5'7" with 110 pounds, it is too skinny? But my appetite is much better than when I was in Hong Kong. Naturally, in more & out more. My stomach is becoming weakness. That makes my skin become poor and I am aging rapidly. I have to maintan using good quality of care products & control my over-appetite. But still can't break through my habits: play hard, work hard & save as much as possible. That makes me feel wonderful. Now, I am only a small potato, earning a national minimium pay rate. Due to my good work performance, I was requested to increase working hours to 40 a week. Nevertheless, I just wanna reply next day morning, unfortunately, we played hide and seek all day. Finally, I was approved 2-minute speaking time limit, maybe I didn’t know how to flatter, I dared to ask about the hourly pay and reduce phyiscal workloads in order to sustain my career path here. Because of these, she responded to my inquiries with like shooting AK-47 speed. Of course, I didn't have end well unitl now. Actually, I'm already expressed willing to work 40 hours a week several times, however she insisted to be silent in order to insult me?! But I'll keep my head held up. I don’t know if her personal management characteristics (Asian / Chinese) or Spanish company culture? In short, the past ten months have taught me a lot of “how to survive a wage earner”, and I have also met many blue collars in various industries, most of whom are non English-speaking friends. Although we don't know each other's background, just that kind of resonance, we has become friends. Thank you for their helpful on phyiscal labor (bin) and food discounts. I'M HAPPY.😂

From such sorts of experience, I quite appreciate my mentality and style of running a business in the past. At a young age of 20 something, with less than 300,000 savings. I've never ever rely on beauty, flattery, and without brighten background and protect self esteem / soul. I just have a little stubborn, a little courage and a big heart, as well as I am fond of "Money" & autonomy. Meanwhile, it accompanied by creative innovation from my heart, strongly requires self-implementation, and adheres to three principles: high salary, lead by example, and respect / appreciation to everyone. In this playful way, I'd won much money, word-of-mouth and people's hearts. Honestly, It'd kept running successfully until ceased to exist by my own decision. Then, I came to the UK just to ensure that I could still wander around, freedom of speech and breathe free air before I died. I am a self-disciplined in born already, so I am so scare to be controlled in the rest of my live. Currently, I was being monitored while working everyday, they dislike even prohibit any creative ideas, feeling not good. Luckily, I have a high EQ and kindness, can still stand up to them. I am still happy to have this opportunity to work at this beautiful industry and enjoy working with those sensitive & mean girls (challenging & free lessons). I beleived this idiom as young: Hard work is Rich, Less desire is Not Poor. So I still have capable of living freely & happily.🤩

In the UK, all difficulties train me up to be perfect (except youth) and I am ready to "To Love". Where are you? Who are you ? ha ha .....😍

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