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安全感 / Comfort zone

作家相片: Ms. CHOWMs. CHOW


我2022年度的有薪假期接近完結了, 2023年度有薪假期將於3月份起計算, 我的職級都有28天, 對比在港工作, 因是自己公司, 要顧燈油火蠟、要交租、人工和各種成本開支, 放假在我算盤內是效益低成本大, 可免則免, 將資源留給工作伙伴吧。感恩他們能感受到我的一點心, 仍收到他們給我的聖誕及新年祝福。讚!😚🙏🏻

Paid leave of 2022 is coming to an end, and the 2023 will be counted from March. I entile has 28 paid holidays and it is better than I was working in Hong Kong indeed. Since it was my own company, I have to take care of various costs such as electricity, water, rent, wages & etc, the cost-effectiveness of vacation was too expensive to me. I'd prefer leaving the resources to my fellows. I am grateful that they got it. So I still received their blessings for the merely past Christmas and New Year. I believe that our relationship can be upgraded to Friend. Like! 😚🙏🏻

仍末痊癒, 但體能已回復80%🤏🏻💪🏻, 胃口不佳, 只好小吃多餐。談到習慣, 來英後改變不少。在港生活, 很少入廚, 所以公司和家附近有1/2間餐廳變成我的飯堂, 日子久了, 吃人情味多過食物本身的味道; 不好杯中物, 嫌味道辣, 浦賭飲吹冇樣好, 心知這是變成「宅女」的元兇, 感恩上天賜予我一樣武器--耐悶; 討厭甜, 因容易引發體內器官發炎🙅🏻‍♀️, 因此好少生病; 偏愛郵購英國某牌子衣服, 經媽咪介紹, 黃姑娘自然地成為我的改衣顧問, 眨眼超過10載多; 因想父母多些外出走走, 揸車成為我生活的必需品, 現有香港車牌、國際車牌和英國車牌; 還有。。。。。。現在, 我愛入廚👨🏻‍🍳, 楊州炒飯、星州炒米、宮保雞丁、咕嚕肉、麻婆豆腐等等小菜已難不到我, 但公司附近仍有1間餐廳成為我下班太倦時的救星, 味道略咸, 但熟絡了; 在超市有許多只售數十元港幣的紅白酒、cider和ginger beer等, 它們都有好精緻漂亮的包裝, 好奇心驅使下, 開始我假日在家bar tender的玩意🍸🍹; 英國人好甜, 非一般甜而是勁甜, 漸漸被同化, 每日其中一餐必備甜品🍦🧁, ice-cream, fruit cocktail trifle, muffin & etc.都是我的偏愛 ; 因工作關係, 多了機會選購又平又時尚的衣飾鞋襪👖👕, 也開始了我動手改衣的衝動, 此刻好想回港取回媽咪的「私用蛟剪✂」; 即使有各種認可駕駛執照, 新舊車輛種類繁多可供選購, 月租車位約港幣500已可, 可惜沒有引因我要養住佢, 背囊+波鞋+公共交通工具便成為我的起行三寶🚍。別忘Comfort zone 本是自己編織, 勇敢嘗試編造另一個comfort zone.🧶💖💭

I have recovered 80% 🏻🤏🏻💪🏻, no appetite, so I tried to eat much food less. Talking about habits, I have a big change in the UK. I seldomly cooked when I was living in HK, so there were 1/2 restaurants have become my canteen. I am missing them more than their foods. Beisdes, I have no drink, smoke, gamble & clubbing habits until now, it's too spicy & noisy to me. I know that is the culprit of becoming a "homebody", at the same time, thanks God for giving me a weapon -- know how to make friend with myself. Moreover, I hated sweet, so I rarely got sick in HK. The prime reason is it's easy to cause inflammation of organs. Furthermore, I often monitored shopping clothes from the UK. So, Ms. Wang, was introduced by my mom, naturally became my private consultant of modify clothes sizes for more than 10 years. In addition, due to convenient my parents went out / traveled, driving as a necessity in my life before. I have Hong Kong drive license, International drive license and British drive license. AND 。。。。。。

Now, I love cooking 👨🏻‍🍳, Yangzhou Fried Rice, Xingzhou Fried Rice Noodle, Kung Pao Chicken, Sweet and Sour Pork, Mapo Tofu and others are no longer difficult for me. Nevertheless there is still a restaurant near my workplace that is my canteen when I am too tired after work even though the taste sometimes is slightly salty. Since there are various red and white wines, cider and ginger beer provided in the supermarket which only sell for tens of Hong Kong dollars. They all have exquisite packaging. Driven by curiosity, I haven been starting to create different Sulena's Holiday Cocktails at home🍸🍹. British loves sweet, not ordinary but strong sweet🍦. Gradually assimilated by them, ice-creams, fruit cocktail trifle, muffins & etc. are my preference & must-have dessert. Due to my work, I have many opportunities to buy cheapest and most fashionable clothing & shoes 👖👕. That urges me starting to modify clothes by myself. See the picture I modified these 2 pants length myself. I feel like to go back to Hong Kong to bring Mommy’s "private scissors✂ " to the UK, it's professional. Besides, even with various approved driving licenses and there are a wide variety of old and new vehicles in the market, moreover the monthly rental of parking is around HK$500. But there is no reason I have to own a car in the UK, just a mini rucksack + a pair of trainer + all public transportation are enough for travelling 🚍. Don’t forget everyone's Comfort Zone was originally created by self, why not bravely try to make another comfort zone for self. 🧶💖

肚子提醒, 已是黃昏, 我要準備弄我的「快樂晚餐🥢」, 並繼續追劇去!🤣😋🤩

My stomach is reminding me that dusk is arrived, I'm going to prepare my "Happy Dinner 🥢" and continue to binge-watch! 🤣😋🤩

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