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作家相片Ms. CHOW

挑戰 / Challenge



1. 好感💃🏻 (娟秀外型)

2. 蠢/ 純 🐖(好學習、凍齡、害羞、易感恩)

3. 扮嘢 / 虛偽 / 奸 🤥(領悟力高、修正、改革、行動)

4. 內儉 / 大智若愚🥰 (簡樸、善良、聰慧)

這是我多年來自觀的評語, 過程漫長沉悶, 有時處於第二階段時已被止; 故年少心急事成, 偏愛獨行, 能一步跳向最終我要的結果, 不用理會別人, 快靚正。江山易改, 本性難移, 現在努力改進並濃縮此4階段, 好讓自己易於表達。

滿心期待可從低層崗位, 在國際化大公司, 面向廣大群眾, 從中練好英語能力和易於融入社區; 誰不知一切違願! 同事甚麼也敷衍只略說 , 硬說因我什麼也不懂、英文又差, 大罵挑剔是文化差異, 所以被指派倒了大半年垃圾等職務; 忽然有天, 看見我無人指揮下可以獨自辦妥大部分工作流程, 有人驚喜有人愁。現在的我在公司內, 多寡言! 除與2、3位上層和友善同事認真溝通外, 一律只Hi & Bye, 暫別是非陷阱。太久沒受薪替人工作, 比我想像中投入得有點緩慢; 相反, 加時加福利加責任, 比我想像中來得快了。

總經理第一次見我, 便大駡我把枱面弄得亂七八糟, 不許解釋, 仍記得當眾狠批我「nonsense」, 我硬梗此負評, 因體量。雖常被她罵得狗血淋頭, 但心知8個月前是她幫我留下來, 避開被玩被屈。 真正亂七八糟個位小姐被調職後不知何故離職了, 最終走的是她而不是我。

店經理不知何故, 我工作個多月後, 對我不滿, 但敢怒不敢言, 當然要迎接一系列被玩下場, 大家玩得相當高興, 我硬梗此遊戲。最終, 她7月份起給我午膳資助, 常笑臉要求我加時工作, 變相每月讓我多賺了。

現實世界是殘酷的, 雖然有人會因感動而改觀, 大多數人已習慣少做少錯、玩弄權術, 辛勤者, 成眾矢之的, 驅而逐之。更確信只要做好自己, 得最高決策人明白欣賞, 少理不快人和事, 努力生活去。

在英國辛勞工作外, 鮮花和盆栽的價錢品質都要比香港優勝, 開心地延續我在家的嗜好🌺🍀。感恩!

Four stages of strangers knowing me:

1. Good impression 💃🏻 (Pretty)

2. Foolish / pure 🐖 (eager to learn, baby face, shy, easy to be grateful)

3. Pretend / hypocrisy / traitor 🤥 (strong clarity of understanding, error & trial, reform, action)

4. Humble / look fool but is wise 🥰 (simple, kind, intelligent)

This is a self-comment for many years. The process is long and dull, and sometimes it is forced to frozen in the second stage. Therefore, when I am young, I prefer to work alone. Because I can jump to the final result that I desired in one step. I don’t care about others. A leopard can't change its spots. Now try to improve and condense these 4 stages so that I can express myself easily.

In the beginning, I am full of expectations to start from an entry-level position, in a large international company, and have many chances to face the public, from which I can practice my spoken English and integrate into the community easily. Who knows that everything is counterproductive! Colleagues are not willing to share their work experiences with me, & insisting that I was green as well as poor English ability, they explained scolding / yelling at me is a cultural difference, so I was assigned to disposal of rubbish duties for more than half a year. Suddenly one day, when they saw that I can get most of the works done well alone without any command, someone are obviously surprised and someone are worried. Now I am rarely interact with colleagues except 2 or 3 managresses and friendly colleagues. Try to get rid of those traps / set up for the time being. I really need to take some time to get used to be employed. Conversely, overtime allowance, benefits and responsibilities came faster than I thought.

I still remember when GM met me at the first time, she scolded me for making a mess on the desk, and not allowed to explain. She severely criticized me "nonsense" in public. I totally understood her sense so I swallow it. Although I was often scolded by her, I knew she was the one who helped me to avoid being bullied & set up. A few months later, that lady who messed the desk ended up leaving instead of me.

For some reasons, SM dissatisfied with me at the beginning, but dared not scold in front of me. Fortunately, her attitude has been changing, recently she approved my lunch allowance and always smiling and asking me to work overtime, which means I earn more every month.

The real world is cruel, although some people will be changed by being touched, most people stick with the rule of "the less you do, the less mistakes you could make" and enjoy machiavellian. To me, I am even more believed that as long as I do the best, the decision maker will see and appreciate me. Do ignore those unpleasant people and things, keep moving & stay happy life.

In addition, the price and quality of fresh flowers and potted plants are reasonable than Hong Kong. I happy to afford my hobby at UK home🌺🍀. Grateful!

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