工作不到1年, 已第3度放假。雖然被安排, 仍感開心😁。在港時, 因是自己生意, 如沒特別, 就永遠不會放假多過2天。尤其是媽咪離世後, 更沒意慾停下來, 旅行享受去。爹D最終安祥地離世了, 大家都能平靜! 大嫂很傷心, 反過來要好好安慰她, 爹D幾錫她。經歷媽咪突然的永別, 知如何克服那份傷痛, 特別是如何處理多年養成的依賴感; 今次身心強大許多, 沒有生病。身邊除親人外, 並沒有人知悉我痛失雙親, 獨立一人留在遠方, 來不及回港殯葬; 只靠良好的心態去面對情緒、工作和生活難題。閒時, 隨處走走拍照、買菜燒飯煲湯和遊灠各港人主持的Youtube節目, 以作療癒(既失父母也痛失家園)。😭👋🏻
我喜歡英國和英國人, 如車費便宜些就更好, 更可周圍走拍照去, 現在只可每月2至3天於城中乘車遠征。英國人有禮, 喜歡他們喜歡距離感, 比較適合我性格--慢熱內向。但在職場和住區, 大多是外地人(羅馬尼亞、委內瑞拉、波蘭、巴基斯旦、印度、南亞裔和西班牙語系國民等), 他們較多偏向圍爐工作和生活, 故更感被孤立。樂觀地看待, 不用應酬, 也不失有其好處。🤐😎
前天, 在家目擊一宗破車窗盜竊案🥵。他戴上黑面罩, 身穿棕色連帽汗衣牛仔褲, 騎著自行車, 得手後以時速9秒9靠右邊小路逃離。好心鄰居幫助拾回散落一地的化妝品, 並清理行人道上的碎玻璃, 守在車旁待車主回來。約半小時後, 女車主與兩名兒子才斯斯然回來取車, 驚覺被盜。。。其實入住後才得悉這區如香港的旺角和深水埗般, 品流較複雜, 以外國人及藍領佔多數。但暫時我仍覺得不差, 周圍鄰居有點粗魯, 但對我一個女士獨居於此, 除感好奇外, 不失紳士淑女般態度。所以, 仍會繼續住下來。😅
戒甜失敗, 昨天偷吃了兩個「英式蛋糕🍰」, 英國甜點係好甜, 但我喜歡!😋😍
Just work here for less than 1 year, it is already my 3rd holiday. Although I was arranged to take this holiday, I am really happy😁. Because of my own business in Hong Kong before, I would never had more than 2 days off unless there's special occassion. Especially, after mom passed away, I didn't even want to stop working. Daddy passed away peacefully in the end, RIP! Sister-in-law was very sad, I had to comfort her, whose relationship with daddy was very good. After experienced about Mommy's sudden farewell (death), I knew how to overcome that such pain, especially how to deal with the feeling of dependence that we had developed over the years. This time, I am much stronger - no got sick. No one knows that I lost my parents except my relatives. I am alone in the UK, I can't be back to Hong Kong for Daddy's funeral regrettably. I must rely on a super strong memtality to facing those emotional, work and life problems. In my spare time, I like walking around and taking pictures, shopping in different type of supermarkets to prepare my meals / suppers, and browsing various Youtube channels which are hosted by Hongkongers for a sake of healing - lost my parents & home land.😭👋🏻
I like Britain and the British. It would be better if the transportation fare was cheaper. I could walk around and take more pictures. Now I only travel in town 2-3 days a month. In gerneral, the British is polite. I like they know what is a sense of distance & how to do it well, it fits to my personality - introverted & shy. However, in the workplace and residential area, most of them are foreigners (Romania, Venezuela, Poland, Pakistan, India, South Asian and Spanish language nationals & etc.). They tend to work and live with fellows from the same hometown, so I feel like being isolated. However, optimistically, I can freely travel or home alone, without unnecessary socializing. It also has its advantage.🤐😎
The day before yesterday, I witnessed a car burglary🥵. He was worning a black mask, a brown hooded sweater and jean, and was riding a bicycle. One of our good neighbors helped to pick up the rest of cosmetics as well as cleaned up those broken glass which scattered on the pedestrain,, and then stood by the car until the owner returned. About half an hour later, the car owner with her two sons came back and surprised that she was stolen & her car was damaged. . . In fact, I learned this area is like our Mong Kok and Sham Shui Po after I moved in, most of them are outsiders and blue collars. But for the time being, I feel safe even walk to work alone in very early morning. The neighbors are a bit rude & some of them curious why I am living here alone, but I surely sense they are gentlemen and ladies. So, I will stay longer.😅
Quit sweet failed. I ate two "British cakes🍰" yesterday. British desserts are over sweet, sometimes, but I like them!😋😍