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框框 / Box

作家相片: Ms. CHOWMs. CHOW

談談「初心」。近年人人說初心, 因多聽了曾反思自己的初心, 也思考別人的初心。由初心逐漸推論演譯出「良心」, 確然各有定案, 更甚超越自小用心學習的觀念。何懼! 自己兒女自己教/救。始於正念, 源於仁愛, 終於做好自己。跳出框框, 橙色指甲, 好玩。🤭💅 HK$25 簡單最美。

In the year, people always talk about "Stay Gold" ~ Nothing gold can stay. That's really push me to think more, & to explore more about the difference & details of 2 thoughts. Gradually, it's unavoidable to deduce the topic of what's the consciences? It doubtlessly gave me a chance to think outside of the box. Have courage to run front, runaway from those weird thoughts, with your own children. To start with justice, walk with kindness and end with being yourself. No worry Be HAPPY 🤭💅 HK$25 Simple is the best.

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