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  • 作家相片Ms. CHOW

歪 / Crooked

The weather in England is well. I am feeling mellow & joyous.😎😁🌞

英國天氣很好, 陽光普照, 令人心廣神怡。😎😁🌞

I went to the "British Museum" recently. I had dreamed of visiting for many years and I was not disappointed. Although staying there for 4 hours, it was not enough to me. I will go again. Its membership fee is inexpensive, but the round-trip fare is quite expensive. So I decided to give up to be a member. Although it was raining heavily that day, I was still in very good mood. From a cafe to watch those bustling tourists that's a good & interesting experience. Most of them held a map, like me with concentration and cleverness, so as to find out the number of the museum we wanted to go to. Before leaving, I chose a few souvenirs as a supportive to the Museum.😍

早前去了多年夢想參觀的「大英博物館」, 沒有失望。在內逗留下4小時仍覺不足, 待下次放假會再前往。它的入會費用不貴, 可惜來回車費頗貴, 考慮後還是放棄。當天雖然下大雨, 但好享受坐下來吃點東西, 觀看熙來攘往的遊人, 大部分人如我般手執地圖, 專心而機靈地找出想去館號, 離開前選了數件紀念品作為對「大英博物館」支持。😍

I recently learned that Chase (Bank) is the lead sponsor of an exhibition at the British Museum, in which the original "Treaty of Nanjing" is extremely attractive. I am planning to meet up with friends to go.🤗

近來得知Chase 作為 lead sponsor「大英博物館」一項展覽, 當中「南京條約」原稿相當吸引, 可能相約朋友於短期內再前往。🤗

The word of Yanzi spoken 3000 years ago : The bad example of leaders will surely be followed by their subordinates. From a family, a company, a nation and even a country, because of this word 歪 (crooked), they are all dying step by step.🙈⚰

漢語有說: 上樑不正,下樑歪。從一個家庭、一個家族、一間公司、一個民族、以至一個國家, 都因一個『不正、歪』字一步步步向滅亡。🙈⚰

Mutual encouragement with fellows!💪🏻🤝🏻


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