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作家相片Ms. CHOW

準備 / Get ready

看著每日世界發生的大事, 感覺不安, 如需一戰才可解決, 那便希望我們乘坐的烈車不單只衝破紅色鐵幕, 而是徹徹底底一併粉碎它們, 一秒都不願再會。🙈🙈🙈

Looking at the news in the world every day, I feel uneasy. If it takes a war to solve it, I hope that the chariot we ride will not only break through the red iron curtain, but also smash them entirly. Even just a second being with it is too long for me.🙈🙈🙈

有理不能道, 那種感受, 真難受!😤😤😤

It seems argu with an idiot, that feeling is really unpleasant! They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with your kindness & tolerance.😤😤😤

欣賞美國人: 敢嘗試 > 認錯誤 > 即修正 > 終加速🥰🤩

Appreciate Americans: Dare to try > Admit mistakes > Correct immediately > Speed up eventually

欣賞英國人: 冷靜內儉 > 心思縝密 > 持之以恆 > 帝國精神🥰🤩

Appreciate the British: Calm and Humble > Meticulous > Persistent > Imperial spirit

欣賞歐洲人: 大愛包容 > 團結共存 > 看重商機🥰🤩

Appreciate Europeans: Diversity & inclusion > Solidarity and coexistence > Value business opportunities

👶🏻📚其實, 仍在努力認識香港以外的大世界。In fact, I am still trying to understand the big world outside of Hong Kong.

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