爭光 / Win glory for The HKMs. CHOW2021年7月26日讀畢需時 1 分鐘我感快樂, 剛得悉張家朗於東京奧運奪得金牌。香港人、運動員、加油🥰🥇I am very HAPPY to learn that Cheung Ka Long won the gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics. Hongkongers, athletes, Keep fighting🥰🥇
我感快樂, 剛得悉張家朗於東京奧運奪得金牌。香港人、運動員、加油🥰🥇I am very HAPPY to learn that Cheung Ka Long won the gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics. Hongkongers, athletes, Keep fighting🥰🥇