今天休息, 可惜太肚餓, 七時多已起來弄早餐, 現在滿足了, 感覺太好。I'm off today, but hungry urgently calls me getting up to make breakfast at around 7:30. Now I am full and feel great.😋😁
我所住的城市如平常般, 平靜和平安, 但關心其他城市, 你們仍好嗎? The city I live in is peaceful as usual, but I am concerned about other cities. How's going? 👌🏻🤝🏻
今次『不快事件』, 讓人聯想當年的香港, 不對也不同。當年二百多萬香港人代表(包括新移民)以和平友愛遊行來爭取 「五大訴求, 缺一不可」, 直至「藤條炇豬」和「亂棍bob人頭」, 我們憤怒了! 最終以「國安法」為香港止步全宇宙, 勁…🤬!
I reckon that this "incident" is entirly different from the sorrow of Hong Kong. At that time, more than two million representatives of Hongkongers (including new immigrants) marched for peace and love to convince the HK government took our advice of "Five Demands, not one less." Unfortuately, we were finally being angry by 2 horrible actions of the "藤條炇豬" and the "亂棍bob人頭". At the end, the excution of "National Security Law" is endgame, it's so ridiculous ...🤬!
憤怒的英國好朋友, 您們不滿什麼? 可否清晰向大眾表達來獲取支持? Dear British friends, what are you dissatisfied with? why are you piss off? could you clearly express it to the public to gain support?
移民? 還是非法乘小艇入境者? Immigrants? Or illegal immigrants who via small boats arrived?
移民致使就業不足? Is immigration causing underemployment?
不想容納多元宗教? 還是反擊多元宗教主義者不想容納英國文化?Don’t want to tolerate multi-religions? Or are you voicing out to the public that those multi-religious people who don’t want to integrate into British culture?
遊行示威時被冒犯? Offended when taking demonstration / protest in peace & love?
200億債務黑洞?200 billion bad debt?
and etc?
TELL US, please! 📣
英國是民主自由大國之一, 習慣傾聽後解決難題。The UK is one of the major democratic and liberal countries. She knows how to & get used to listen up people sound and then throw out better methods or a solution. 💌
英國紳士淑女們, 憤怒易被操控, 加以利用。 進步需時, 破壞一天便可, 別怒別忘, 數年後可以另一片雲彩。我羡慕並尊重您們是英國兒女! 💞
British ladies & gentlemen, please don't forget anger can easily be manipulated and used. Changing to better takes time, but to worst only a few days. Don't be piss off, you still have a right to vote for the better one you thought. I envy and respect each true British sons and daughters! 💞
差點忘記恭喜何詩蓓和張家朗再奪奬牌, 好開心! 🥉🥇🏆 Congrate on Siobhan Haughey's & Edger Cheung's victory! 😁