今天真開心, 身體健康漸好, 一月初將開始物理治療, NHS各人態度和專業非常好和認真, 希望很快便能回復體力精神, 再旅遊去。
I'm over the moon today. My health is getting better. I will start physiotherapy in early January 2024. The attitude and professionalism of the NHS staff are excellent. I hope I can fight back my physical strength and self confidence soon. Cheers! travel again.
九月初大病一場後, 於23號仍堅持起行, 但只好縮短一星期旅程為兩天之旅。
After 10 days serious illness in early September, I insisted on setting off on the 23rd, however had to shorten a week trip to two days.
23.9.2023 Bath 一天行程:
1. The Roman Bath (停留了約3小時 / Stayed for about 3 hours)******
2. The Jane Austen Centre (停留了約1.5小時 / Stayed for about 1.5 hours )****
3. The Circus ***
4. No. 1 Royal Crescent ****
5. Milsom street ***
6. Pulteney Bridge (付費乘船約1小時 / cruise 1 hour) ****
7. Bath Guildhall Market (遲到已關門 / closed)
乘GWR回家去。我喜歡Bath, 只可惜當天Bath Abbey關閉維修, 但我臨別Bath時看見天上長長而色彩分明的彩虹。
Got home by GWR. I like Bath, however it's regretabe that Bath Abbey was closed for maintenance that day. Fortunately, when I was on the way to leave Bath, I saw a long and colorful rainbow in the sky.